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Increase Log Level

Set the log level to DEBUG to identify the activity that is occurring at the same time as the problem.

# set the logLevel to "debug" in /var/lib/ziti/config.json
sudo -u ziti ziti-edge-tunnel set_log_level --loglevel DEBUG

The tunneler obeys the value of logLevel in /var/lib/ziti/config.json. The initial value may be set with run --verbose 4, but setting this option on subsequent runs has no effect on log level.

Capture the Current Process Log

journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID=$(systemctl show -p InvocationID --value ziti-edge-tunnel.service) -l \
| tee /tmp/ziti-edge-tunnel.log

Systemd Service Won't Start or Keeps Restarting

Reload the systemd service unit definitions to rule out a stale definition.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Inspect the service unit.

sudo systemctl cat ziti-edge-tunnel.service

Check the service status for an error message.

sudo systemctl status ziti-edge-tunnel.service

Monitor the service logs.

sudo journalctl -u ziti-edge-tunnel.service

Intercepting or Hosting Not Working

Inspect the identity and router info for a running tunneler process. This creates a file named like {{identity name}}.ziti for each loaded identity. Each file summarizes the available services and router connections for the identity.

sudo -u ziti ziti-edge-tunnel dump -p /tmp/ziti-dump-dir/

Find tunneler's nameserver IP.

$ resolvectl --interface=ziti0 dns
Link 19 (tun0):

Query the Ziti nameserver to find the intercept IP address for a service.

dig +noall +answer @
Output 60 IN    A

The tunneler provides end-to-end TCP handshake. Test the service's ability to accept connections even if it does not provide a greeting or banner as shown in the OpenSSH server example below.

# wait up to 3 seconds for a TCP handshake on port 443
$ ncat -vzw3 443
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.08 seconds.
# wait up to 3 seconds for an OpenSSH server greeting on port 22
$ ncat -vw3 22

Process Keeps Crashing

A crash may be caused by a segmentation fault. If saving a Corefile is enabled, Linux will create a core dump file according to this pattern file: /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern. Ubuntu configures this to use Apport. Read more about core dumps.

Please raise a GitHub issue if the tunneler crashes.

Operation Not Permitted

Delete the /tmp/.ziti directory and restart the tunneler to solve this issue.

The tunneler may log a warning about an operation not permitted and failure to start the socket server if the hard-coded path /tmp/.ziti is not owned by the run-as user. This can happen if you first run the tunneler as root and then as a non-root user.

WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1686 make_socket_path() failed to set ownership of /tmp/.ziti to 1003:1003: Operation not permitted (errno=1)
WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1730 run_tunneler_loop() One or more socket servers did not properly start.

Another symptom of the same issue is this error when attempting to send a message to the IPC socket server, which is not running.

failed to connect: -111/connection refused